Straw Products

At Zoo Expert Hay & Grain, we also work with growers of straw products for export. We have Rye Grass Straw, Fescue Grass Straw, Orchard Grass Straw and Blue Grass Straw. Read on to learn more about the different types of straw we offer.

Rye Grass Straw

Baled following seed harvest, this high fiber, economically priced roughage is used as livestock feed. Rye Grass Straw, most popular with export beef industry users, is also gaining in popularity with dairy farmers.

Fescue Grass Straw

Fescue Grass Straw is also popular with dairy farmers in the export market and is successfully fed in the beef market. It has a coarser, longer stems compared to Rye. It is also considered very good, economically priced roughage.

Orchard Grass Straw

Like Rye and Fescue, Orchard Grass Straw is another very good roughage or filler. It has a coarser stem and is a popular source of fiber in the export market.

Blue Grass Straw

Blue Grass Straw is a high quality grass straw. It has the highest feed value of all grass straws and is popular in both domestic and export markets for dairy and beef cows.