As one of the leading exporters of hay and straw products, Anderson Hay ensures top quality hay delivered in a timely manner. With hundreds of thousands of tons of product going out every year, our reach is global. Our Timothy hay, Alfalfa hay, and other hay and straw forage products are known throughout the world. The majority of our product is export hay.

Hay Production Practices

Producing top quality export hay is very important to us. We start with clean fields, harvested by the most experienced producers in the region, for a premium product to export. Our vendors and growers have the utmost pride in their industry and operate with the highest knowledge of production practices for hay and straw products.

Top Quality Products, Every Time

Anderson Hay has the highest standards in quality, and we’ve established initiatives to accomplish top quality, every time, for our customers. We implement traceability practices for all chemicals and pesticides applied to the fields, allowing us to ensure safe feed for your animals. We are also able to trace all of our product back to each field to know exactly how and when it was harvested. These practices ensure that our customers are getting the best product possible to meet their forage needs.